Luxury Tennis Villas (LTV) works with all the largest and smallest villa booking platforms to bring you the best options to create your perfect tennis and wellness experience. We are baed in Miami, Florida providing a secure and easy to access service for worldwide clients.
Our tennis and wellness team can create a unique trip for you and your group. We can work with Tennis pros or directly with guests to organize key servcies that are wrapped wround the already luxury villa rental.
The LTV website has complied all the information available, varified the detail and provides the most comprehensive insight into the quality of the villa and servcies available.
Every Villa has the following information compiled.
- Type of Private Tennis Court
- Tennis Service Available (Coach etc)
- Location
- Number of Bedrooms and Bathrooms
- Luxury Feature rating (pool etc)
- Essential Features (internet etc)
- Distance from (shops etc)
- Bedroom configuration
- Services included (maid etc)
- Add Wellness Service (Yoga, Chef etc)
You can contact LTV's team via our Concierge form below or email us at [email protected] or call us at +1 (786) 723 3571.